As you look around for a new dentist in Northgate or consider switching to someone else in the area, take the time to look at the waiting room. This is a good indication of the overall experience in the dentist.
The waiting room is the first impression for everyone. Here’s how it makes such a great impression, and what you should look out for while you’re there.
You Can See How Personable the Receptionists Are
Receptionists can make or break a dental office. They are the ones who look at the appointment book and determine where to place you. Dental receptionists should be unbiased, but they are also human. They can also have bad days. While you’re waiting to see a dentist in Northgate, take a look at how the receptionists are.
How do they treat patients coming in? What do they do when there are kids in the waiting room? How are they with each other and the dentists who work there? This will tell you a lot about the atmosphere in the place. A bad receptionist can lead to negative feelings elsewhere in the place.
You want dental receptionists who are kind but also firm. They will know the problem patients, but they also can’t be quick to judge someone by their looks. They also need to have respect for the dentists.
Check to See How Clean the Place Is
Look around at the dental office reception. How clean is it? Now there are some issues if you go in the middle of the winter and see a lot of salt on the ground. That comes in from outside, and it can be an unfair impression if you go later in the day. However, some dental receptionists will make sure the salt is managed throughout the day.
Take a look at the tables and chairs. Look at the restroom facilities. Take a look at the desks and any tables behind the reception desk. You’ll be able to see what is expected dirt from the weather outside and what is unreasonable for somewhere that is supposed to be hygienic. The cleanliness of the reception is an impression on the cleanliness inside.
Find Out What Other Patients Think
Talk to any other patients who are in the waiting room. If it’s a large dentist in Northgate, you may find that there are a few people waiting. This is a chance to find out who they see and what they think of the service.
Some people will be happy just to get an issue seen to, while others may have a lot of experience with the staff and share their honest thoughts.
If there aren’t people waiting, assess why that could be. If there’s only one dentist, it’s likely due to the way appointments are managed—and it suggests the dentist is on time—but if there are multiple dentists and nobody waiting, it could suggest that there’s an issue with the work.
The reception of a dentist in Northgate is the perfect way to initially judge a place. You get the chance to see the receptionists at work. Listen in to what people say, as these could be clues as to whether this is the right dentist for you or not.