You know you need to visit the dentist twice a year for regular cleaning and checkups. While that’s part of the plan, those trips to get problems seem to aren’t, and they get in the way. You want to minimize the extra tips to the dentist near me in Martha Lake as much as possible.

This means caring for your teeth. There’s no time like the present to start changing your oral hygiene routine. You will start to see results to look after your gums and your jaw. Here are the top four tips to help minimize your trips to the dentist.

Brush Your Teeth as Soon as You Get Up

The first thing you should do when you wake up is brush your teeth. You want to do this before you even drink any water. Adding water before you brush your teeth will lead to the bacteria in your mouth swishing around and into your gumline. This can lead to more trips to the dentist near me in Martha Lake.

So, make sure the first thing you do is brush your teeth. As you start to build this into a routine, you’ll find that your life goes a lot smoother. You’ve already done one of the chores of the day—and yes, brushing the teeth can feel like an annoying chore at times.

Make Sure You Floss Every Day

There are very few reasons not to floss on a daily basis. It’s time to treat this as one of the important tasks. You can even leave it to the end of the day as the last thing you do. Flossing daily will minimize the trips to the dentist near me in Martha Lake.

Flossing helps to remove the plaque from in between the teeth. You’ll find your gums end up less irritated and swollen, and you won’t end up with the tartar building up in between the teeth. You can use a water flosser if you like, but it’s not as effective as normal flossing.

Chew Sugar Free Gum Throughout the Day

There’s nothing wrong with chewing gum. In fact, this can be a good thing, and it can help to minimize the trips to the dentist near me in Martha Lake. You need the right type of gum.

Opt for the sugar free options. These will prevent damage to the teeth while helping to boost the amount of saliva in your mouth. The saliva helps to remove food particles and bacteria from the mouth, so you have fewer cavities and issues.

Use a Fluoride Toothpaste

A lot of people look for natural toothpastes. While you want to get rid of a lot of chemicals from the body, fluoride toothpastes are the best for your overall mouth health. The fluoride helps to protect the enamel on the teeth.

If you’re only going to add one chemical to your body, make it this one. There’s a reason some countries add fluoride to the water. It’s good for the oral health.

You can minimize the number of trips to the dentist near me in Martha Lake that you make. With the top four tips, you’re on a journey to just those bi-annual trips for regular cleaning.