You want to get your kids off to a good start when it comes to good oral health. As you’re looking for a kids dentist near me in Seattle, you’ll want to discuss this with them. Ensure that you’re getting the best tips to help in between regular checkups.
Some of the process starts early. There is some work that you need to do, but it’s worth it for lower dental bills and a healthier smile for your kids.
Start on Good Oral Hygiene Early
There is no time that is “too young” for good oral hygiene. A good kids dentist near me in Seattle will encourage steps even before the teeth start showing. While your baby is drinking milk, get a clean cloth and wipe away the milk from the gums. When teeth start to show, gently brush them with a baby toothbrush.
As your children get older, you can encourage brushing of the teeth. You don’t need a lot of toothpaste, and it doesn’t need to be heavy in fluoride to start with. Supervise your children as they start doing this themselves to make sure their teeth look clean. You will also want to encourage good flossing to get in between the teeth and protect the gumline.
Schedule Regular Dental Visits
You need to find a good kids dentist near me in Seattle. It’s important to find someone who doesn’t judge your parenting based on the health of a child’s mouth. After all, some things like plaque buildup can be hereditary, and a good dentist will be able to tell the difference between poor oral hygiene and hereditary issues.
Make sure you schedule regular dental visits. You’ll want to start once your child has gained their first tooth or by the first birthday, whichever comes first. This will help your dentist look out for early signs of problems, both in terms of cavities and the growth of the teeth. If you suspect any issues yourself, talk to your dentist about this at the checkups.
Lead By Example with Oral Hygiene
Your children will learn from you. That means you need to be a good example to your children when it comes to oral hygiene. A kids dentist near me in Seattle will discuss how it is important for you to be that compass for them when it comes to caring for their teeth.
This is not a “do as I say, not as I do” type of situation. Follow the same teeth-brushing schedule as your children. Allow them to see what you do to protect your teeth, including the use of floss and mouthwash. That doesn’t mean your children need to use mouthwash right away, but you can set up a cup for water for rinsing the mouth out to get into that habit.
Good oral hygiene is all about routine. Once a child gets into that regular routine of looking after their teeth, it will all come natural to them as they get older. Then just make sure you schedule your regular checkups with the kids dentist near me in Seattle, and you’re setting them up for life.