There are all sorts of old wives’ tales and myths that we grow up learning. When it comes to dental myths, there is a lot of harm done to the teeth due to the belief in them. A dentist near me in Bitter Lake wants people to know the truth behind the myths. It’s time to protect your teeth better.

Myth: Brushing Your Teeth Harder Is Better

It seems like it should work out, right? After all, the harder you scrub something, the cleaner it gets. That’s not always the case, though. In terms of your teeth, brushing harder can lead to more damage.

Think about when you scrub a wall clean. You’re likely to chip away at the paint. That’s what happens to your teeth. Scrubbing harder chips the enamel and damages your gums. A dentist near me in Bitter Lake recommends a soft-bristled toothbrush with gentle, circular motions.

Myth: Brushing Your Teeth Once Before Bed Is Fine

Yes, you definitely need to brush your teeth before you go to bed, but you need to do it more than just this time. It’s essential that you brush your teeth on a morning as well. Bacteria builds up in the mouth overnight, and you’ll need to brush your teeth before drinking anything, even water, to get rid of the bacteria instead of swishing it around your mouth!

Myth: You Don’t Need to Floss If You Brush Well

A dentist near me in Bitter Lake wants patients to floss as well as brush. Brushing is great for the surface of the teeth, but the bristles don’t get in between the teeth. This is where there is a lot of plaque buildup and issues. The only want to get rid of the plaque is by flossing on a daily basis.

You can use a water flosser, but it’s not as good for in between the teeth. This is great for along the gumline, though, so use both the water flosser and a normal flosser together.

Myth: You Only Need to See a Dentist When You Feel Pain

Too many people leave dental problems until there is pain. It’s important to go to your bi-yearly checkups. Your dentist will be able to give your teeth a good cleaning, check for any signs of damage and dental work needs, and offer recommendations if there are issues spotted. Prevention is much less expensive and time consuming.

That being said; if there is pain, you do need to see a dentist near me in Bitter Lake. Pain can occur in between regular visits if a dental issue has progressed faster than expected.

The more you understand about dental work and caring for your teeth, the longer you will keep your natural smile. You’ll be able to spend less on dental work, and you’ll be more confident in your day-to-day life. A dentist near me in Bitter Lake doesn’t actually want to do all the extensive work. Regular checkups mean a healthier smile, and that’s what is important.