A cracked tooth in Seattle is one of the most common problems that a dentist will see. It can happen for all sorts of reasons, and it’s not always a sign of poor oral hygiene.

When it comes to cracked teeth, you need to get the medical attention you need right away. There are a few myths and misconceptions around cracked teeth that prevent that, so let’s break them down and de-bust them.

A Cracked Tooth Can Heal on Its Own

If you get a minor chip or a superficial crack in your tooth, you may think that you don’t need medical attention. That cracked tooth in Seattle isn’t causing any pain, so why bother seeing a dentist about it. It will heal over time, right?

That’s not the case. There may be issues underneath the initial small crack. There could be damage to the root or another part of the tooth, which could require extensive work. There’s also the problem of the tooth now weakening, exposing it to more potential damage. Your dentist will help repair the crack, so it doesn’t get worse.

If It Doesn’t Hurt, It’s Not a Problem

A cracked tooth in Seattle doesn’t necessarily hurt. Sure, there are some that crack and cause discomfort right away, especially if you’re biting down on something. You’re likely to see a dentist because of the pain. However, not all cracked teeth hurt. A lack of pain doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem, though!

Just because there isn’t pain right now, doesn’t mean there won’t be in the future. Talk to your dentist to see how bad the crack is and discuss future issues.

Whitening Products Will Fix the Crack

There are many over-the-counter whitening products. While they will improve the look of the cracked tooth in Seattle, they’re not going to repair the damage. The whitening products aren’t a glue that will put everything back together.

You could end up causing damage with the whitening products. They get into the enamel and cause future problems. It’s best to talk to your dentist before using anything on the crack to make sure you look after your teeth.

The Cracked Tooth Will Need Extracting

A lot of people don’t see a dentist for a cracked tooth in Seattle due to fear. They believe that some sort of work will be needed, including extraction. That’s not necessarily the case. Your dentist will want to preserve your mouth, and extraction is the last thing on their mind.

There are many other options available first. Your dentist may find that the crack is superficial enough that it doesn’t need anything right now. Your dentist may find that a filling or a crown is enough to protect the integrity of the rest of the tooth. A crack is not the end of your beautiful smile.

Don’t hold off heading to the dentist with a cracked tooth in Seattle. This could be more serious than it initially looks, or it could end up more serious in the near future. Only your dentist will be able to tell.