Has your dentist told you that you need a dental bridge in North Seattle? Before you jump to the first one your dentist offers, you’ll want to learn more about them. There are four types of dental bridges available.

Your dentist should discuss all four types. This helps you both find the best option for the needs of your oral health and your lifestyle.

Traditional Dental Bridges

A traditional dental bridge in North Seattle is great when there are still natural teeth either side of a gap. These bridges will have one or more artificial teeth, known as pontics, placed in between the natural teeth. They’re anchored in place by dental crowns, called abutment teeth.

A portion of the enamel on the natural teeth is removed to make room for the crowns. The bridge is 100% custom, as molds of your teeth are taken to help create the bridge and protect the overall health of your teeth. They are durable and look natural, which makes them popular choices for the majority of patients.

Cantilever Bridges

What happens when the gap forms toward the end of your mouth? You may only have an adjacent tooth on one side of the gap, and that means you need a special type of dental bridge in North Seattle. You need a cantilever bridge.

The bridge will place a pontic to a single crown on one side of the gap. Only one tooth is then there to support all the functional elements of the mouth, including chewing. This can be a downside, but there’s little that can be done when it comes to a one-sided gap.

The benefit is that these bridges require less preparation. They do put on extra stress on the supporting tooth, which can lead to problems sooner than if a traditional bridge could be used.

Maryland Bridges

While a lot of tooth extractions happen at the back, there are times that the front teeth are removed. This could be by the dentist or through an accident. Either way, you need Maryland bridges to help here. They are designed to give a more natural look to the bridgework.

These bridges use metal or porcelain wings to bond to the back of the adjacent teeth. The pontic is then attached to the wings, with a resin connecting everything. They require little preparation, and they are aesthetically pleasing options for the front teeth.

Implant-Supported Bridges

The last of the dental bridge in North Seattle is one for when the gap is large because multiple teeth are missing. The surrounding natural teeth may not be suitable for supporting the bridge either.

The process involves the addition of dental implants to work as anchors for the bridge. Then the bridge will be attached, covering all the gaps in the gumline. With proper care, these bridges can last for year. Talk to your dentist to make sure you’re a candidate for dental implants.

You need to know about the different oral care options. A dental bridge in North Seattle should be as permanent as possible, so get the right type for your oral health.