Dear Friends!

Use your dental insurance benefits while they are left in 2017.  Many folks have $2000 worth of benefits just sitting around!

Preventative care like teeth cleaning, sealants, fluoride application and diagnostic X-rays are usually covered 100%.  This means it’s FREE for you to come in and see us.


People ask: why can’t I just wait until next year? Anything can happen in 2018. Some people may lose jobs or lose benefits, move to another state,  face financial hardships, etc.  The benefits DO NOT rollover into the New Year.  So… while you have the funds available try to use them up!  Our patient care coordinators will gladly look up your benefits and tell you exactly what you can have done without paying anything.


What’s New?

November 2017 we are introducing new technology with the Gemini Laser – power pulse innovation. This laser allows us to do thorough bacterial decontamination during dental cleanings (periodontal disease patients), removing excess tissue growth, removing any growths, doing biopsies without scarring and virtually no-pain.

For anxiety patients, we are introducing the weighted blankets and aromatherapy for increased rest and relaxation, as well as streaming music for patients in each room.


Schedule your visit today!  206.659.4888

Have friends, family, spouses and children that need a cleaning?   Give them our info. We’re even open Fridays & Saturdays.