We are always trying to stay on top of the latest and greatest treatments and take-home products for patients.
After every visit each patient gets a goodie bag with helpful hygiene tools… and we have more!
Recently our team had a few in-office demonstrations and lunch ‘n’ learns. We’ve tried first-hand products for effectively, safely and inexpensively whitening (or bleaching) your teeth, as well as EASILY taking care of inflamed gums and plaque accumulation with the help of Bluetooth technology.
This is great for parents who want to monitor and encourage KIDS to brush and floss! The bluetooth/Application feature allows the patient to keep a progress report to share with the dentist, and an encouraging cartoon to guide them through an effective brushing session.
From the latest ZOOM! Bleach varnish (5 minute application, making your teeth up to 4 shades lighter) to the BOOST! Advanced 45-minute in-office system for a whiter smile, both options will leave your smile looking as clean as ever, perfect for any occasion. One of our assistants ALWAYS gets complimented on her smile because she keeps up the “white” appearance. It’s very easy and inexpensive compared to other treatments.
Secondly, we are selling new products on the market with a discounted price. You can have the latest Sonicare Dual advanced toothbrush with tongue cleaner not found in stores! Special added features for ADVANCED home-care to keep your entire mouth smelling good, healthy and clean …only found through the dental clinic.
Come check out our amazing display, also featuring easy air-flossing for people who hate to use floss! We provide patients with the lowest possible price for the best hygiene outcome.
We are so excited! Stop by today. 206-659-4888