What is your New Year’s resolution? Like many people we have a few! Is having a healthy, glowing smile on that list?
With dentistry it’s so easy! All you need is to commit 1 hour of your time every 6 months to keep up-to-date with your mouth, the gateway to the rest of your body. The smile: how people perceive you in everyday situations, how confident you feel when you talk. And everything else that goes with it: gum health, bone health, teeth health, preventative health, etc!
And with insurance benefits or our $99 cleaning special the time has never been easier to stay on track. Why not check this simple item off your list and continue on with the bigger stuff?
Give us a call. We’re even open on Fridays and Saturdays! 206-659-4888 or email: info@www.asfamilydentistry.com
P.S. All Smiles is introducing simple and effective bleaching therapies to health you attain that glowing white smile, too! It’s nice having options to choose from. Let us show you how!
#2016resolution #beautifulsmile #whitening #saturdaydentist