One of the greatest challenges we face every day is meeting people with bad dental experiences.


YOUR CONCERNS:  The fear, trauma and distress of coming in can be overwhelming.  Oftentimes, the patient would rather deal with the excruciating pain of infection than to come in for a visit, which can lead to miserable consequences.


Do you have any of the following fears: loss of control, bad memories, the drill, pain, needles, panic attack, choking, numbness, bad reaction, cost, gagging, embarrassment?

We understand your concerns and we want to change your experience to alleviate the fears.

WE OFFER ORAL SEDATION:  At your initial visit, the doctor sits in a calm environment, listens to your concerns and reviews your medical and dental history. Oftentimes we prescribe Anti-Anxiety medication as “oral sedation” in the form of pills or tablets.

pretty young woman jumping on green grass


THE GOAL FOR YOU WITH ORAL SEDATION:  Create calmness, reduce anxiety, sometimes cause drowsiness, create forgetfulness (amnesia), increase your comfort level, prevent worrying, slow breathing, and allow your mind to wander off.


Welcome to our office!

Welcome to our office!


There may be 1-2 pills prescribed and the effect can be shorter-lasting or longer-lasting, whatever makes you feel more comfortable. BEST PART:  There is no additional cost for this prescription on our end. It is part of your emergency visit and treatment protocol.

Caution: These medications CANNOT be mixed with alcohol.  You need a chaperone (family member, friend, trusted colleague, or significant other)  to accompany you to your dental procedure appointment, as taking the medication impairs judgment.


THE TRUTH ABOUT NITROUS AND “LAUGHING GAS”:  Patients call and ask if we offer nitrous oxide or “gas” because that’s what helped them calm down as a child. The truth is: the gas doesn’t do much.  You have to wear a bulky mask that may not fit snug, the gas can easily escape with your mouth open during exhalation, it can make you feel claustrophobic, and most importantly you STILL feel the needle and are aware of your environment. For these reasons and others, we do not offer nitrous and we do not get many questions about it.


bright smile



Most importantly, the team at All Smiles Family Dentistry understands what you have been going through because we see it every day.  We try to take the appointment slowly, give you ample breaks, time to relax, use restroom, grab something to drink, sit up and read and ask questions as much as possible.  You will feel in control.


All Smiles from patients


Set up your initial visit and consultation appointment today!  We are here Mon -Sat!
